Did Chris Davis drink the mishandled sample of Ryan Braun? Cause… damn!


Oh yeah, I’m gonna hump all your moms.

I kid, well, mostly- but seriously- four home runs and 16 RBI in four games?  He’s hitting… get this… .600.  And you know who has him?  Our defending champion.  Yeah, shit is right.  Chris Davis is the steal of the draft.  Think not?  Offer him Braun, Trout, or Cabrera… I bet he won’t take the trade, and I don’t blame him.  His name is Say Hi 2 Ur Mom 4 Me… and he must be stopped, no matter how much our moms might think they’d like it.

Sad day, yesterday.  I was a huge Roger Ebert fan.  I’ve cried over the deaths of three “celebrities”:  Kurt Cobain… and Siskel & Ebert.  Well, and Kirby Puckett– but he’s a baseball player.  That’s different.  I’ve read a lot of tributes to Roger, and one theme that is prevalent is that he wasn’t a sentimental guy, which is fine and mostly true, but also kind of bullshit, because if you read his movie reviews, you’ll know there was a softy in there… consider this four-star review for Field of Dreams, a film I saw TWICE on the day it was released…  I kid you not.


Hmmm… I think I’ll get rich watching movies and writing down what I think, then for good measure, invest early in Google. You?

If you love baseball, Portland, OR is not the town for you.  On opening day I went into a bar… OPENING DAY!!!- and they had three TV’s tuned to the NCAA women’s tournament.  Nothing against the women’s tourney– but it was opening day.  Not a baseball town.  It is good at times that I am not armed.  For my own sake.  I wanna go home to San Francisco….

The American League Central is in a five-way tie right now.  That’s right.  The Twins are tied for first!!…. and second, third, fourth, and last.

But so are the Tigers!

One of the worst things about living in a semi-Mariners market is missing the Giants and A’s broadcasts.  Another is listening to some of the worst baseball play-by-play men from across the sport while trying to satiate my baseball Jones on basic cable.  Joe Morgan may be retired… but he’s left a wave in his wake.  Redundant you say?  Do you remember Joe Morgan?  The worst though is the Brennamans and their like.  this ridiculous deep voice that makes me want to look to the sky to see if Underdog is gonna poop on me.  And then, of course, there is Hawk Harrelson (“He Gone”  “The good guys are comin’ up” “If we’re gonna win this game…”).  Hawk is so bad, that I almost enjoy him.  Last summer my Dad (twin killers) picked me up at the Minneapolis airport and the White Sox were getting beat so bad by the Twins that by the time we got home and turned on the TV, Hawk had actually left the broadcast booth.  It is true- you can look it up.  It was his birthday, and he didn’t come back.

As if Slim’s pitching staff needed any help (Strasburg, Kershaw, Cliff Lee, Ian Kennedy), now Kyle Lohse shows up and strikes out 5 of the first 6 batters he sees.

How about the Giants?  Yep, I need say no more.  Well, okay, a little more.  The first team to go four games to start a season where the starters haven’t given up an earned run since 1976 (the Brewers— and there was like a blizzard that week so their first four games were spread out over nearly two weeks).  And I remind you, this is with Zito and Lincecum.  Not against the Astros and the Twins… but the Dodgers and the Cards.  The Giants are lookin’ good.

Do you know why the Giants almost always seem to start their season on the road?  It is by design.  They fill out a questionnaire from the league, and they always select to start on the road because while it isn’t guaranteed, more often than not, it means that they end their season at home, which if you’re a Giants fan, you’ll know has been an important part of their success.

I follow 400 baseball-related people on Twitter.  There is a lot of praising God and so forth, but there is also some good information some times… at least interesting information.  For instance, Jose Reyes tried to stretch a double into a triple and was thrown out at third and he came up in obvious pain.  A few minutes later, it was stated on Twitter that the tag got him in the balls.  That wasn’t on the broadcast.

I’ve rambled on long enough, but I’ll leave you with this link.  Today is the 100th anniversary of Ebbets Field (where the Brooklyn Dodgers played), and Vin Scully, the Dodgers broadcasting legend- who is not only the current L.A. Dodgers broadcaster but also called games back in Brooklyn- did this piece commemorating the anniversary.  Watch it.

Actually, I leave you with a bit of trivia.  Field of Dreams (1989), which I mentioned earlier as a four-star review from Ebert, was based on a book by W.P. Kinsella.  His book, first published in 1982, was called Shoeless Joe (after Joe Jackson), but what he had originally wanted it to be titled was Dream Field.  In the book, there is a scene not in the movie where Ray and Annie Kinsella go to the old Met Stadium in Bloomington, Minnesota (torn down after the Metrodome opened in 1981 and now the site of the Mall of America) and they break into the stadium and play ball in the moonlight.  The next day (or the day prior- I can’t recall) they see the Twins play, and who comes up to bat?  The crowd chants “Bombo! Bombo! Bombo!”…. that’s right, Bombo Rivera from the URL address above.


Bombo what now?