Meet: The Cakesitters

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1. Where do you live?

Beaverton, Oregon- suburb of Portland.  You know on the show Arrested Development when someone- Gob more often than anyone – says “I’ve made a huge mistake.”  I relate. Soon as I can save enough money, I’m moving back to San Francisco. I’ll pay the high rent!

2. How many years have you played fantasy baseball- this league in particular?

It is either my 7th or 8th year.  I think it is the 8th, but thereabouts.

3. What is your favorite team?

Minnesota Twins. Though I like the Giants almost as much.  I’m always happy for the A’s to win as well, so long as it isn’t against the other two.

4. Describe yourself however you want/brief intro.

I hate when you ask for a Stella and they offer you Trumer instead. I believe Cheney had something to do with 9/11. Lena Dunham bugs the crap out of me. The Replacements album Let It Be is my favorite. Once a year, I crave sloppy joes.

5. Who do you think will win the World Series?

If the Nationals can’t win it, I’ll be kind of happy cause they pulled Strasburg early last season. The hubris. If I had to put money on a team though, I’ll go Giants again, and I’m not just saying that.  

6. Who is your favorite player on your fantasy team?

Torii Hunter.  I’ll drop him though, if he stinks it up.

7. Who, if anyone, are you open to trade?

I’ll listen to offers for Joe Mauer if Jonathan Lucroy plays well.  I like trades.  I’m gonna stay off the waiver wire for the most part- unless there are injuries… until the playoffs anyway.

8. Anything to say about what your team name means/how you came up with it?

Apparently, there is a porn niche out there of cakesitting.  As porn goes, it seems so innocent!  Also, when I was the Baseball Furies early on in this league this year, Slim started calling me the Furries, another porn allusion.  Anyway, also in Sparky Lyle’s book The Bronx Zoo he wrote about how whenever a player found himself hitting the showers- usually a pitcher- and there was a birthday cake on the catering table, they would drop trou and sit on it before showering.

9. Who is your favorite baseball player of all time?

Bombo Rivera!

Extra inning question: If you were a player- batter or reliever – what would your intro song be?

“Jailbreak” by Thin Lizzy. Not an original choice. Craig Finn of The Hold Steady, and a major Twins fan, was asked this same question by Rolling Stone and that was his answer. Great answer, so I stole it from him.  [Listen here]

Hola!- An Introduction to the Blog from the Commissioner

This is the seventh year I’ve been commissioner of this particular fantasy league.

I usually send out an email introducing everyone, but this year I decided to let people introduce themselves.  I’ve sent out the questions via email to however you signed up.  Seven of the twelve have responded (I include myself).  If you can reply to those by Saturday, that would be great, but the sooner the better.

I am going to post the answers to those questions along with a slide show of all of the players on each manager’s roster.

When I do that, each team will be categorized, and then I’ll send you the link and login to this blog and you’re welcome to post here all season, whatever you want, whenever you want.  Those uncomfortable using the blog, I’ll simply post transactions or messages of note here categorized as you.  If you need any help posting on the blog, just let me know… it is easy.

From time to time, I might put a link on our Yahoo league message board to something.  You are welcome to do the same!

Good luck!

I leave you with a picture of the person that is the blog address and email of this league, my all-time favorite baseball player, Bombo Rivera!
