Meet: Mishandled Samples

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1. Where do you live?

San Francisco, CA.

2. How many years have you played fantasy baseball- this league in particular?

Fantasy baseball: 1 year.  This league: just started.

3. What is your favorite team?

SF Giants, then Oakland A’s, then the BoSox (born there). Everyone else can suck it. In fact, sometimes the BoSox can suck it.

4. Describe yourself however you want/brief intro.

Baseball & rock n roll. I play in a few bands and also play in a 6 month hardball league. Fantasy baseball is what I do when I’m taking a shit, but it works out, as I shit a lot.

5. Who do you think will win the World Series?

I have to say the SF Giants here. Fandom supersedes all, and the 8-year-old in me won’t abide anything else.

6. Who is your favorite player on your fantasy team?

Yoenis Cespedes.

7. Who, if anyone, are you open to trade?

Derek Jeter, fuck that guy.

8. Anything to say about what your team name means/how you came up with it?

Hat tip to Ryan Braun.

9. Who is your favorite baseball player of all time?

I’m breaking the rules! Three way tie: Will Clark-Wade Boggs-Jose Canseco.

Extra inning question: If you were a player- batter or reliever – what would your intro song be?

“Totally Wired” by The Fall  [listen here]

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